ZwitterCo’s high rejection and low energy brackish water RO elements have received NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certification, marking an important milestone in ensuring safe, potable water for municipalities, beverage producers, and other industries. This certification signals that ZwitterCo’s high rejection and low energy BWRO membranes meet rigorous standards for health and safety, allowing them to be used confidently in public water systems where purity is paramount. 

Why NSF 61 Certification Matters 

The NSF/ANSI 61 certification, managed by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), sets the benchmark for products used in drinking water systems. Achieving this certification is a rigorous process: products must undergo detailed testing, facility audits, and technical evaluations to ensure they don’t contribute harmful contaminants to the water supply. 

This standard is critical because it ensures that materials in contact with drinking water—like pipes, plumbing fixtures, filtration devices and now ZwitterCo’s high rejection and low energy RO membranes—are safe for public use. Municipal water systems, along with companies in the beverage industry, depend on these standards to maintain the health of their communities and customers. 

ZwitterCo’s RO Membranes: A Game-Changer for Fouling Resistance  

ZwitterCo RO elements are designed to be immune to irreversible organic fouling due to their use of zwitterionic technology. They are able to remove contaminants efficiently while also resisting organic buildup that would normally foul conventional RO membranes. 

ZwitterCo high rejection and low energy BWRO membranes have demonstrated remarkable fouling resistance across various industrial and wastewater applications, and are now extending to the drinking water sector. Municipalities and beverage producers using RO systems can take advantage of ZwitterCo’s advanced membrane technology to enhance their water treatment processes, improving overall performance while reducing operational costs. The NSF 61 certification opens doors for these groups to address common issues, such as frequent cleanings and membrane replacements, that arise due to organic fouling in standard RO systems. 

ZwitterCo’s NSF 61 certification underscores the company’s commitment to providing innovative, safe, and sustainable water treatment solutions. This certification is more than a regulatory requirement; it’s a testament to ZwitterCo’s dedication to delivering high-performance products that protect public health and improve water treatment infrastructure for everyone. 

For more information, view the full certification details here.