Water Filtration Membranes RO

New Zwitterionic Reverse Osmosis Membrane - Not Your Typical RO

Reverse osmosis (RO) technology has been revolutionary in water treatment, assisting in the treatment of wastewater, the desalination of seawater, and much more. However, despite its effectiveness, traditional RO membranes are still prone to issues…

What is Superfiltration?

When considering which type of membrane to use, it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking “inside the box” of established membrane categories. Salt rejection, molecular weight cut-offs, pore sizes, and flow rates are almost universally used…

Membrane Fouling - A Thing of the Past?

Membrane fouling has been a widespread challenge in filtration for decades, affecting the efficiency and lifespan of membrane systems used in water treatment, desalination, and other industrial processes. At its core, fouling involves the…